Join the session organised by WeCount and partner citizen science projects, as part of the 2021 European Week of Regions and Cities.
Taking place on October 12, 2021, 14:30 - 16:00 (CEST), this workshop will present key outcomes and lessons learned from projects that have successfully responded to H2020 calls on improving air quality and urban mobility in European cities and reducing their carbon footprint, by enhancing citizen engagement. The findings will highlight the most successful strategies for engaging citizens in the transition to green smart cities, ranging from informing and consulting, to involving, collaborating and empowering, to enable the EU Green Deal transition.
Residents striving for sustainable cities is a group of EU funded projects that joined forces to boost decision maker’s ambition in fighting the effects of traffic, environmental pollution and climate change in European urban areas. WeCount, ACTION, ClairCity, ICARUS, and iSCAPE.
Register here.